Your wild horse adventures begin here!


Most people will live their entire lives without seeing a mustang in the wild.  Roaming some of the most remote and forbidding regions of the state, Utah's mustangs can be extremely difficult to find -- unless you really know where to look.  Thriving herds often inhabit areas near some of the state's most popular vacation destinations, while others are far removed from the nearest tourist attraction.

Whether you favor the well-worn path or prefer the road less traveled, this site will help you plan a successful mustang viewing day-trip, add a side-trip to your next vacation or, even better, transform your vacation into a genuine wild horse tourist adventure. 

Oh, and to be perfectly clear about things: all information on this site, including downloadable material, is provided absolutely free of charge for any non-commercial purpose.  Why?  Because wild horses are on my list of "the best things in life."

All photography and written content by Robert Hammer


Viewing Locations

Learn about the herd locations: detailed information, including driving directions, road and terrain conditions, images of herd members and other area inhabitants, and more!

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about this site

Why this site exists, and what I hope to accomplish with it.

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Make it a safe visit for yourself and the animals you encounter.

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learn more about efforts to protect america's wild horses and burros:

Wild Horse Tourist is not affiliated with any of these organizations, but we encourage you to support their vital mission.